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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Fabric Hoarders Anonymous

Those of you who know me know that I have my own systems of organization.  I can  be quite organized and have a work table piled high during a busy show.  But I can also always be depended upon for a thorough cleaning and organization once the work is done.

However, I have a confession.  My studio at home is often a disaster.  I make a lot of excuses for this...some are valid, some are, well...complete nonsense.  The biggest excuse haunts me in a lot of ways, not just in keeping my studio clean:  I have two small children.  This means that when I am at home, I am constantly attending to their needs upstairs (my studio is in the semi-finished basement).  for a long while, neither child was allowed to go into the basement as the stairs were too dangerous ans I hadn't worked out a system for keeping sharp things out of reach.  So whenever they grew out of a bunch of clothes (which is every season) or I finished a large freelance project (twice in the fall and twice in the spring, usually), all of the "stuff" went directly into the basement--unsorted!  Almost a full year of this system made for an unusable space and never enough time to catch up in organizing.  This is the fabric portion that I face:


I started cleaning out the basement this week.  Half of the room is clean--the play area/guest room.  Now I tackle the studio half.  I can have the girls down with me as I clean now, so maybe I will do a little bit every night.  Besides, summertime is the best time to be down in the cool air!  What I need is a system for slogging through the bags upon bags upon bags of things that come through our house...particularly from outside projects.

The temptation is just too great...I have trouble getting rid of fabric.  I always design with several fabrics in one project, and I always acquire more fabrics than I need.  So then what to do with what is left over or not even used?  Save for another project, of course!  But then I can't keep up with the sheer volume!

This summer, I plan to come up with a way to keep the studio in usable condition as well as figure out how to pare down the fabric and store what I have.  I'll update you as to my progress...stay tuned.

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